Vending Schedule

Groovy Thrifty vends at a variety of pop-up markets around New England all year long! The inventory we bring is a reflection of the wide range of pieces we have at our shop on a regular basis. We are working on getting together a calendar that includes all of our upcoming events for you to shop Groovy alongside some of the amazing artists and small business owners. Stay tuned by following us on social media for more information!

Ou next pop-up event will be with FOUND Boston vintage market on February 15th & 16th at the Artists for Humanity Museum in South Boston! This will be a weekend long market with over 80 vintage and other local vendors working together to fill a two story art museum! Tickets are required for this event and can be found here:

Check out our new store in Boston!

Want to host an event at our shop?

We are happy to share our space with the community! While normal business hours are the main times you can enjoy our store... we are happy to open our doors outside of normal shopping hours. Previously, we have had group open mic nights, acoustic shows, DJ sets, themed gatherings, private shopping events and more!

Fill out the form below and we can make it happen :)

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